When CEA is livestreaming a public meeting, you will be able to view it here.*
* If livestream does not begin to play at meeting start time, users are advised to refresh their browser.
Users may encounter a playback delay when viewing the livestream, based on internet connectivity. If you would like to make a public comment, please join by Zoom or participate in-person at the noticed physical meeting location instead.
CEA is not responsible for technical difficulties that may occur with the livestream or audio feed. CEA reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine which public meetings will be livestreamed on this site. Not all public meetings will be livestreamed. Please refer to the Upcoming Meetings page for official information on accessing our public meetings.
CEA utilizes YouTube to facilitate livestreaming of meetings. CEA does not control the YouTube Terms of Service/Use or Privacy Policies that may apply to you if you livestream our meetings here.